Low on Transmission Fluid
Have you been having issues with your daily driver that you suspect are caused by it being low on transmission fluid?
As a way to offer assistance to drivers near Amherst, Manchester, and Derry, NH, Ira Toyota of Manchester has put together the following information containing the most common clues that your vehicle is low on transmission fluid. Take a moment to give it a once-over to find out if this is the reason for the things you’ve been noticing.
The Check Engine Light Is On
While reasons for this light to activate can vary, it can turn on when the transmission fluid is low. It’s always a good idea to take the car to a certified mechanic when the check engine light is on to find out what’s going on, as well as to reduce any damage that could be taking place.
There’s a Burning Smell
Are you detecting an odor that makes you think something could be burning? It could be that the fluid level has gotten so low that the transmission is overheating. Be sure to have it checked out as soon as possible.
The Transmission Is Leaking Fluid
If you notice a drop in fluid or any of the other symptoms on this list, check areas where you’ve recently been parked for wet spots that appear fresh. Transmission fluid that’s healthy takes on a range of colors from a clear red to a light brown. If the fluid is in need of being flushed, it might be dark brown or black.
Transmission Slipping
A transmission slip is when the transmission shifts to a gear and immediately slips back out of it. If this happens, it could be a sign of transmission issues.
Shifting Is Slow
Without adequate fluid, it will get increasingly difficult for the transmission to shift. As a result, you’ll experience delays as it struggles to reach the correct gear.
Grinding Sounds
When you’re low on transmission fluid, it’s possible that you’ll start to hear grinding noises caused by various components coming into contact with one another due to a lack of lubrication.
Shaky Shifting
Are you experiencing a distinct shaking as the transmission makes its way from gear to gear? If you are, it could mean that you’re running low on fluid. It could also mean that the fluid needs to be flushed.
The Transmission Stops Shifting Entirely
The transmission will not run without fluid. Once the fluid runs out, the transmission will simply stop working.
Low on Transmission Fluid?
Whether you have questions about these signs that you’re low on transmission fluid or you’re unsure about what you’re experiencing, feel free to give us a call or pay us a visit. We want to help you get to the bottom of what’s going on.
If you’re near Amherst, Derry, or Manchester, New Hampshire, and you’re confident that you’re witnessing something similar to what we’ve described for you above, Ira Toyota of Manchester is here to help! Contact us today to schedule a day and time for our certified service center technicians to have a look.